
Harris, Ulich, Keppel, Buck Talk Tonight

Conant Chairs Meeting On Higher Education

Five of the nation's leading educators will discuss "The Future of Higher Education" at 8 p.m. tonight in the Geographical lecture room.

President Conant will chair the discussion. Provost Buck and Seymour E. Harris, professor of economics, will open with papers on phases of the report of the President's Commission on Higher Education.

Dean Keppel of the School of Education and Robert Ulich, professor of education, will also share the platform.

Varied Subject Material

Discussion will center on the number of people who should attend college, the job opportunities waiting for graduates, federal subsidies, educational policy, and public versus private schools.


"We intend to discuss many issues of great importance for the student body, both generally and particularly," Professor Harris said yesterday. After the speeches, the floor will be open to debate.

The meeting is sponsored by the College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors.
