
Varsity Eases Up On Contact, Polishes Plays

While little men toiled atop the Stadium yesterday rigging spotter's phones and other paraphernalia, a larger species of men in the employ of Art Valpey were working on the fields below polishing up more basic elements for Saturday's opener.

Actual scrimmaging time was kept to a minimum as the team began to taper off on contact work. A dummy scrimmage took up the better part of the afternoon with emphasis on split-second timing and final details of the new system. A short but vicious assault on the tackling dumies finished ceremonies for the day.

With the two-platoon system in operation, Saturday's starting line-up depends on the toss of the coin, but assuming the Crimson will receive, the following line-up will probably go into effect as of 2:30 p.m. Saturday:

At ends, Bob DiBlasio and Johnny Fiorentino, standouts all fall; at tackles, Howie Houston (he will also be around on the defense) and Doug Bradlee; and the center of the line will be filled by Chief Bender, Center Paul O'Brien, and Jack Coan.

Backfield in Question


The backfield is more debatable. Quarterback Bill Henry and wingback Kenny O'Donnell have those respective positions nailed down, but it's toss-up between Jim Noonan and Chuck Roche for for tailback spot and between Paul Shafer and Chip Gannon for fullback. The final decision on the actual starters here will not come out until just before game-time Saturday, but whatever the outcome, it is not too significant: Coach Valpey will have his players running on and off the field in a constant stream during the game.

At present, the injured list is encouragingly small, with little chance of its increasing during the next two days of light practice. End Jerry Bahn and tackle Rocky Stone will definitely be in the spectator category, and Wally Coulson is still very doubtful as a participant. In the event that Coulson is also restricted to the heavy looking-on, his fellow end, Bob DiBlasio, will drop back to handle the punting.

From the spectator's angle, it is to be hoped that the Crimson will be on the receiving end of the opening kickoff come Saturday, but should the situation be reversed, guard Emil Drvaric will be on hand for the occasion. He has been practicing his specialty during the week.
