Bill Bingham hasn't had a chance to put anyone one the ten-yard line who belongs on the fifty. The Student Council hasn't had a chance to investigate the parking problem and conclude that the difficulty can best be described as lack of sufficient space in which to park. The Hygiene Department hasn't had a chance to let anybody die in its waiting room.
So what chance does the editorial writer have?
None. But if his memory is good, he can take heart in the recollection of a certain symbolic cartoon. In the background of this cartoon is a store in construction. A placard on the wooden fence shielding the unfinished innards from public view says: Acme Drugs' New Store Open for Business Soon
In the foreground, a man is picketing. His sign says: Acme Will Be Unfair
And so the editorial writer can sleep soundly, confident that something will soon go wrong and everything will be all right.
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