
New Look Brightens Soldiers Field

Black Nylon Uniforms To Replace Khakis

The Harvard football team will dazzle you.

Dazzle, that is, because it's going to be satin pants--black satin pants--that the football team will wear this year.

And the staid khaki pants worn by Harvard football players for generations have now gone the way of such venerable football lore as handlebar mustaches and leather elbow patches.

That's not all.

The solid Crimson helmets of old are joining the khaki pants.


The new Harvard ensemble will be black helmets with Crimson stripes sweeping back from the front to give a Viking effect.

Crimson jerseys with white numerals are still part of the football team's uniform.

Obviously since Head Coach Art Valpey took over at Soldiers Field changes have been made.

For the first time in at least 12 years, women are allowed to witness practice sessions. Coaches' and players' wives, mothers, and sisters are always welcome. On designated occasions, girl friends are allowed to pass beyond the fence which surrounds the two gridirons on Soldiers Field.

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In the past, when a player was injured during scrimmages, a red two-wheeled equipment cart was pushed out to the field by one of the managers, the player put into the wagon, and taken away to the medicos.

Now, a neat mobile steel stretcher silently rolls out to the injured player.

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When Coach Valpey and his assistants returned to Cambridge early this month, they found Soldiers Field scorched and baked to a perfect hardness for breaking bones.

A long four-inch fire hose was extended down to the nearby Charles River, and for two weeks thousands of gallons of water were pumped from the Charles onto the turf at Soldiers Field.
