
Freshman Physical Training Starts

Physical education plans for Freshmen will got under way next Tuesday with a special meeting of the entire class set for 1:30 p.m. in New Lecture Hall.

At the meeting, varsity and freshmen coaches and William J. Bingham '16, head of the Harvard Athletic Association, will explain to the Class of 1952 the various openings in competitive college athletics.

The Freshman athletic program this year calls for three credits weekly. Starting on Monday, October 4, all Freshman will be expected either to report regularly for football, soccer, or cross country, or else to satisfy their P. T. requirements through intra-mural sports, tennis, crew, swimming, or supervised calisthenics.

For two weeks starting Monday, Freshman will take "Step and Posture Tests." Appointment slips for these examinations are included in registration envelopes of all incoming students. Before he may elect his physical activity, each Freshman must satisfy the minimum requirements of these tests.
