
JV Nine Faces Tech Tomorrow

Lloyd Harper's hustling Junior Varsity ball club places its eight straight win skein on the block tomorrow afternoon, but one may hardly say it risks this record against M.I.T.'s Jayvee forces. The game is scheduled for the Soldiers Field diamond.

Whether or not the Engineers can wield a bat as well as they manipulate a slide rule remains to be seen, but on the strength of their output to date, Harper's charges must be rated favorites. After a shaky start, the Jayvees have found the range at the plate; pitching has been superb; and fielding has been more than adequate.

Langdon Clay, who has proved to be the mainstay of the mound staff, will probably face the visitors. Clay stopped New Hampshire with four hits on Wednesday and four and five-hit jobs have been the rule rather than the exception for Clay all season. Should Clay falter. Harper will probably throw Roger Davis, another consistently dependable hurler into the breach.

Charlie Kenny or Web Durant will catch with Bud Gibbs, Hal Moffie, Fred Dunn, and John Chase in the infield, and Fred Glimp, Gordon Ellis, and Steve Howe patrolling the outfield.
