
Club Elections for 1948-49

New 3-Day Ballot Names Heads

Slashing to three days of balloting the voting for Radcliffe club officers which formerly spanned three weeks, Student Government this week enabled the majority of Cliffe organizations to close their books on the past year and start a new one with a minimum of confusion.

The Idler Players and Radio Radcliffe cooperated with Student Government by holding elections at the same time. Three days of balloting produced two ties, for secretary of the Catholic Club and treasurer of the Pre-Medical Society, both to be settled by runoff elections.

The winners:

Catholic Club--Anita Palmer '49, president; Ruth Kennedy '50, vice president; Jean O'Brien '51, treasurer; Rita McSweeney '49, dormitory representative.

Choral--Barbara Connolly '49, president; Marilyn Mattson '49, vice president; Mildred Blacklock '50, secretary; Janet Kapp '50, treasurer.


German Club--Lily Root '50, president; Joan Stolper '50, vice president; Marie Fleming '50, secretary; Lois Daniels '49; treasurer.

Hillel--Margery Fischbein '49, president; Helen Bernstein '50, secretary.

Idler--Patricia Troxell '49, president; Martha Nichols '50 and Edith Sloan '50, production managers; Nancy Rodriguez '50, business manager; Grace Tuttle '49, secretary.

League for Democracy--Elaine Tanner '50, president; Elizabeth Horton '50, vice president Pauline Seliger '50, secretary; Marion Clesner '49, treasurer.

Music Club--Margaret Sherman '49, president; Judith Davidoff '49, vice-president; Janet Franklin '49, secretary; Rayna Klatzkin '50, treasurer.

Outing Club--Sylvia Hall '50, president; Jane Connor '51, vice president; Ruth Brown '50, secretary; Barbara Terrile '51, treasurer.

Pre-Medical Society--Doris Parthum '49, president; Ruth Fuchs '50, vice president; Marguerite Thompson '51, secretary.

Radio Radcliffe--Mary O'Donnell '49, president; Nancy Buhrer '49, business manager; Ruth Breitenfeld '50, production manager; Mary Jordan '51, program director; Charlotte Child '51, technical director; Georgianne Davis '51, secretary.

Zionist Organization--Judith Gordon '50, president; Arline Landy '49, vice president; Irma Lewis '49, secretary; Marjorie Krensky '49, treasurer; Ann Shapiro '51, regional delegate.
