
Pierian Sodality Celebrates 140th Anniversary; Organization, Founded in 1808, Runs Orchestra

From Love Serenades To Symphonic Odes

Once it was known as the Pierian Sodality of 1808. By 1900 it had become the Harvard Orchestra. And, in 1942, undergoing a metamorphosis, it emerged as the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra. But whatever its name happened to be at the time, the Orchestra has continued to foster, "the mutual improvement of its members in instrumental music," as was first ordained in its charter.

Anniversary Concert

This week marks the 140th Anniversary of Pierian, in celebration whereof, a special Anniversary Concert has been scheduled for Friday evening. The visual enticements of the Radcliffe Dance Group will also be on display to put the final clink into the Sodality's toast to itself.

Although Pierian's interest in the feminine sex is nothing new, it has not always been so aesthetic. In the earlier years of its existence, the Sodality regarded the serenading of Boston belles as one of its handsomest traditions. Lantern-lit expeditions of romance-bent musicians would start from Porter's Tavern in North Cambridge, and comb the land from Brattle Street and Brookline to Jamaica Plain and Beacon Hill.

According to legend, one troubadour's session ended in a musical salute to a Harvard president's daughter, while the unresponsive female was giving birth to a baby.


Pot and Piccolo

On the serious side, Pierian's 19th century exploits were not quite as noteworthy. Its members were famed for their prowess with the pot much more than with the Piccolo. Minutes of many during this "primitive" period read: "The Sodality met, practised, liquored, and adjourned."

The Sodality proclaims itself as not only the oldest instrumental group in America, but also as the original guiding spirit behind such organizations as the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Harvard Glee Club. Evidently, its founders had reason to believe that Pierian would last long, or, at least they did their best to insure it. On the front page of the first volume of its records, the following verse is inscribed:

"Blest be the Muses who uprear'd this band,

Blest be the men who lend a willing hand,

Blest be its members whom its laws command,

And damn'd be all who would its cause withstand!"

Underneath the word "damn'd," a heavy black noose is drawn.

In 1937, a group of Pierian Alumni formed the Harvard Musical Association, and it was this organization's influence that prompted Henry Lee Higginson to found the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1881. Prior to this, in 1833, the Sodality had organized Harvard's first Glee Club, which, although prosperoous for only ten years, is still the perous for only ten years, is still the Club.

Vocal Talents Explored

Singing talents could hardly remain quiescent and undiscovered in a time when serenading was popular and Boston had so many pretty girls, and about 1858, a separate Glee Club was formed. This group gave many joint concerts with Pierian, and the two groups would go out troubadoring many times until "the stupid interference of the officers of the law" finally caught up with the customs and broke it for good.

Twice in its history, Pierian came perilously close to dying, but through the perseverance of a few, it maintained its record as the oldest continuously existing musical organization in America.

The first crisis took place in 1852, and has since become the incident in its history to which most Pierian members point with the greatest pride, both in the tenacity of the institution and the individual perseverance of Mr. Henry Gasset of the Class of 1832.

It was in this year that the Sodality found itself with a staggering membership of one--Mr. Henry Gasset. Gasset, reluctant to go down in history as the last of the tribe, elected himself President of the organization, appointed himself as all the other officers, kept minutes of all his meetings with himself, rehearsed with himself with himself as the official conductor, and after his rehearsing, toasted himself with liquor bought with the dues which he paid to himself.

Mr. Gasset's iron will, and his ability to get along with himself paid off, for soon musicians were flocking to Pierian, and the organization was saved.

Faculty Finagling

Many times during its early existence, Pierian ran into the strict rulings of the Faculty, and many are the resolutions of protest in the records. For example, in 1839, one particular dictum aroused the following comment:

"Whereas the Faculty of Harvard College, with unprecedented barbarity and oppression, saw fit, in their asinine wisdom, to administer public admonition to the Sodality for absenting themselves from Cambridge during the whole night, serenading, Resolved not to play at the coming exhibition." Apparently a full punch bowl mellowed the members for they played at the concert nevertheless.

During the Civil War, Sodality membership shrunk, but it was not until 1875 that the organization again came close to the rocks, and this time, the Faculty was the villain. In that year, a resolution was passed by the Faculty prohibiting Pierian from giving any concerts for money. Revenue from concerts has always been an important and necessary part of Pierian's financial set-up, as, like all other Harvard organizations, it has never received any money from the University.

As a result of this ruling, Pierian found itself unable to support itself, and interest in the organization fell to an unprecedented low. Fortunately, a few months later, the Faculty reconsidered their decision, and again the Sodality flourished.

Orchestra Emerges

By 1900, Pierian had developed into a capable group of musicians, and critics were already writing favorable reports of their activities. The Orchestra then separated from the Pierian, and the later organization became a sort of godfather to the fledgling one. The Sodality assumed much the same role which it occupies today, that is as an honorary social society in charge of the administration and financing of the Orchestra. Male members of the Orchestra are usually admitted after one year of "faithful service."

Pierian's members have not forgotten the "liquoring" activities of their predecessors, and every rehearsal is usually followed by a call of the traditional motto, "Sit Musa Lyrae Solers" and the still more traditional wine.

The latest step in the Orchestra's evolution took place in 1942, when its members decided to recognize the existence of women. With the passing of a "Women's Suffrage Act," the Harvard and Radcliffe Orchestra merged. Although the measure was originally just a war time expedient, it has since been adopted as permanent policy.

Many of Pierian's alumni have gone on to much greater achievements in the musical field. Perhaps the outstanding example is Leonard Bernstein 39, who has become a figure of world renown both as a composer and as a conductor. Bernstein led the New York City Symphony for several years, and was one of those considered to succeed Serge Koussevitzky as conductor of the Boston Symphony. For his composing abilities, Bernstein recently said of himself, "I am the logical man to write the Great American Opera."

Anniversary Program

The program being presented Friday night includes two Boston premieres: Haydn's 77th Symphony and the Overture to Schubert's Opera "Alfonso and Estrella." The Radcliffe Dance Group, under Anne A. Cameron's direction, will perform in several battles including one of the Orchestra's perennial stand-bys, the "Variations on Mary Had A Little Lamb," by Edward Ballantine '05, associate professor of Music emeritus. Other works to be performed are Danius Milhaud's modern arrangement of Couperin's "Overture and Allegro" from the "La Sultane Suite;" Faure's "Elegie" for cello and orchestra with Judith Davidoff, Radcliffe '50 as the soloist; Dvor ak's sixth "Slavonic Dance;" Debussy's "Sacred Dance" for harp and strings with Phyllis Botner, Radcliffe '50 as soloist; and an excerpt from Ravel's "Mother Goose Suite."

On Saturday night, the Orchestra will round out its season with a celebration at the Harvard Club in Boston, at which many alumni are expected.

Private Rehearsals

Perhaps the most valuable part of the Orchestra's year to its members has been the traditional eight-reading rehearsals. During these sessions, music is played which the Orchetra could not hope to perform in public because of its difficulty.

The newly-elected officers of Pierian for next year are: Mitchell B. Sharmat '48 President; John A. White '48 vice-President; Frank E. Sander '48 Secretary; Richard See '46 Treasurer; John F. Golger '49 Manager; and Preston C. Combs '50 and Austin R. Warriner '50 assistant Managers.

Judith Davidoff, Radcliffe '50 is president of the 'Cliffe Orchestra, while Joan Projausky, Radcliffe '49 heads the Radcliffe Dance Group.
