
Faculty Names 5 To Prize Awards

University Hall all but wiped clean its slate of annual prize competitions with the announcement of winners of five of the awards.

Edward D. McDougal III '48 captured the George B. Schier Prize of $250 for an essay entitled "The Ideal of Neo-classic Poetic Diction: Translation and the Homeric Model." Honorable mention went to Eleanor M. Millard, Radcliffe '48, Richard Haven '50, and Arthur W. J. Becker III '48.

The Delancey K. Jay Prize went to Robert G. McCloskey 2G for his thesis "The American Conservative Tradition, 1865-1910." For it McCloskey received $300. Harlan P. Hanson '46 was the recipient of the John A. Walz, Jr. Prize as the concentrator in German who passed the best divisional examination.
