
Vendor Is Milked Of Liquid Wares

Ninety cartons of chocolate milk is quite a load, but someone successfully made off with that much of the traveling stock of William A. Clark '51 on Wednesday night while he was inside Mower Hall vending milk and doughnuts.

The more than 11 quarts of chocolate beverage were removed from the cart in which Clark transports his stock in trade. He was inside only a moment, but the milk, case and all, was gone when he stepped back out.

Sergeant Toomey saw no one running from the scene of the crime, and he suspects a getaway by car from in front of Phillips Brooks House. Clark, however, feels that students are responsible for what he explained was the second bit of thievery that had been perpetrated at his expense.

Neither Toomey, Clark, or the two victims of that same evening's $200 robbery in Thayer could see any connection between the thefts. The milk was valued at $9 retail.
