To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
As the landlord of an apartment house in a better residential district of Boston I have received loud and long complaints when I raised rents 15 percent last year in accordance with the housing law. This week I was happy to receive a bouquet from one of my tenants who attached the following letter:
"The average three room suite at Harvard now rents at close to $160 with bare furnishings. They put three young men into it which means that for 16 weeks the College receives $480. That's $120 a month for three rooms in a tax-free building. Recently you raised my four and one half room (including modern kitchen) apartment from $100 to $115 and I complained. In the light of conditions at Harvard I now see how well off I am in contrast to the students (even if they do get a view of the Charles) at our leading educational institution; so in appreciation please accept these roses." John J. Murphy, Brookline.
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