
'Cliffe Opens Door to Men...

The Walls Come Tumbling Down

Joint instruction will get a reverse twist this summer.

Up to now, the term has always meant Radcliffe girls in Harvard courses, but things will be different when the 'Cliffe Summer Secretarial School starts work on June 28. For the first time in its 13-year history, the School will admit Harvard students, according to an announcement yesterday by the 'Cliffe Appointment Bureau, which sponsors the extra-curricular course.

Typing and Shorthand

The six-week course is designed for college students and graduates, and offers instruction in the fundamentals of typewriting and shorthand. It was opened to men this year because Radcliffe authorities felt that this type of training was in demand among college men.

Classes at the Secretarial School will run from 9 to 3 o'clock, Monday to Friday. The term runs from June 28 through August 6.
