
Alumni Mob Philly...

The Philadelphia Harvard Club put out the old doormat last weekend, and over 1000 members of the Associated Harvard Clubs shuffled across it to observe the annual meeting and hear a full cycle of speeches starting Friday morning and ending Saturday evening at the annual banquet.

Friday brought a series of forums on Bench, Bar, and Government; Medicine and Public Health; Finance and Industry; and General Education. The latter featured speeches by President Conant (second left above), Benjamin F. Wright, Chairman of the Faculty Committee on General Education (extreme left), and John H. Finlay, Eliot Professor of Greek Literature (extreme right). The meeting was called to order by Daniel A. Newhall '06, former head of the Philadelphia Harvard Club (center), and chaired by Provost Buck (second right).

Conant Has Busy Weekend

Conant, who led the weekend field with three speeches, also spoke Friday evening in a symposium on "The Scholar's Contribution in a Free Society," and off the record at Saturday night's full-scale banquet.

After listening to speeches all day Friday, the Associated Harvard Clubs, which number 131 units throughout the world, had their say Saturday morning, when they elected a president, William M. Akin '19, and 13 regional vice-presidents.


Representing the undergraduate body at the meeting were Council President William D. Weeks '49 and Abe Schestopol '49.
