
Radcliffe AYD Group Gets Official Approval

Note from Lee Marsh Promises Autonomy

Radcliffe's chapter of the American Youth for Democracy received its charter yesterday from the Annex administration and Student Council.

Final action on the group's charter, which had been applied for in March, came after President Wilbur K. Jordan received a letter from Lee Marsh, head of the Intercollegiate AYD, guaranteeing the 'Cliffe autonomous operation.

Prior Woes

An earlier delay in the charter process came when the administration vetoed a 'Cliffe Student Government approved charter on the grounds that some people who had signed the petition for the charter did not actually intend to become members of the organization.

With these signatures crossed out, the petition then had only 17 signers, three short of the required 20. The invalidated signatures were from 'Cliffedwellers who felt that the AYD ought to be permitted to operate at Radcliffe even though they did not wish to join.


Ragozin at Helm

Nikki Ragozin '51 will head the 'Cliffe AYD for the coming year. Other officers are Jane Roland '51, secretary-treasurer; and Fay Gaer '51, chairman of the group's political action committee.

Approval of the charter adds AYD to a roster of political clubs in the Radcliffe Yard which includes a Students for Stassen group, a Young Republican Club, and a Wallace Committee.
