
'News' Has Edge In Annex Voting

Two weeks of fog surrounding the results of the current Radcliffe Student Government voting lifted last night as Joan Projansky '49, president of Student Government, announced results of the first tallies last night.

Strongly slanted balloting on two of the three issues under fire has resulted in a three-to-one count against the $12 Student Activities Fee and an equally definite seven-to-one majority in favor of naming the 'Cliffe National Student Association delegate to the newly-created post of second vice president of Student Government.

Closest count is on the question of voting for compulsory long-range subscriptions to the Radcliffe News. So far, a slim lead favors required patronage of the college weekly.

Balloting in Agassiz House in the Annex Yard will wind up at 2 o'clock Monday. Final count will come that night.
