
Martin, Heinrichs Appointed to Run PBH Department

Christopher M. Martin '49 and Waldo H. Heinrichs, Jr. '47 have been appointed co-chairmen of the Phillips Brooks House Social Service Committee, following the promotion of the former chairmen to top positions at PBH. Edward M. Nagel '48 is associate chairman of the committee, largest at Brooks House.

The new leaders announced that about 75 settlement house boys will attend each of five Varsity track meets and four Varsity baseball games on Saturday afternoons during April and May, by arrangement with the Athletic Association. Admission will be free, except for the compulsory ten cent tax.

"The HAA has been very helpful to us, Norman H. Brooks '49, ex-committee chairman, said yesterday. "They've given us permission to bring in as many as we can get, but lack of men to take care of them will limit the number of boys." N. Conant Webb, Jr. '49 will be in charge of the program.
