
University Cannot Aid Band, Watson Reports

Faculty Committee Demurs

The Band will have to get along without University assistance next year. "Nobody feels stronger about the Band's situation than I do," Associate Dean Watson said last night in making the announcement, "but we just don't have enough funds."

Unavailability of University help automatically cancels plans for trips to the Cornell and Army games next fall, Joseph J. Borgatti, Jr. '45, manager of the "best in the business," explained yesterday. He added, however, that H.A.A. boss William J. Bingham '16 had promised $1900, and if that aid finally does materialize the Band would probably make the jaunt to Princeton.

Old Policy Stands

The request for funds was turned down by the Faculty Committee on Student Activities on the grounds that any University aid would have to be billed to students, already suffering from the effects of tuition and rent increases.

Borgatti was forced to petition for help when usually substantial alumni contributions fell off. However, only enough money to pay for train fares was requested.


Meanwhile, the Band is going ahead with plans for a South American tour this summer. The State Department has stamped official approval on the project, but the University is withholding a final nod until the six-week trip has been completely underwritten by a suitable "angel."

No Poster Action

Dean Watson also announced last night that he could take no action on the two students who were reported before vacation for tearing down Liberal Union posters in Winthrop and Dunster Houses, explaining that the Faculty Committee on Student Activities had no jurisdiction in a matter not reported by a University official.

He added that the Committee "deplores" the incident, and that the matter would be discussed at a meeting of the House Masters and Deans of the College.
