
Lineup Switches Probable as Nine Prepares for B.C.

Three probable changes in the starting lineup are the major results of the Varsity baseball team's unhappy foray into more southern stated last week, as the nine prepares for its home opener with Boston College on Saturday.

Fielding was weak throughout the tour and errors abounded in almost every position. Weather contributed a lot to the misplays, but taking the circumstances into account, Coach Adolph Samborski still is not satisfied.

The post of catcher is still wide open, and Samborski is looking for a steady receiver with a good arm for the long throw to second. Clif Crosby and Webby Durant Split the catching chores in the games last week but neither of them has cinched a starting assignment.

Outfield Nebulous

The outfield is still a question mark, and even the infield may come in for its share of the shakeups before Saturday's game. Samborski is waiting to see the results of the practice sessions this week before deciding just what the shifts will be.


Suffolk University will visit Soldiers Field this afternoon to provide the squad with some much needed practice. Ira Godin will probably start for the Crimson, but Barry Turner is expected to take the mound also.

Coaches Samborski and Lloyd Harper will cut the squad down to a thirty man maximum after practice Thursday.
