Cambridge's minor crime wave struck home yesterday, when the Harvard Radio Network found approximately $55 missing from its offices. Both University and city police have been called in to help unwrangle the theft.
The $55 stolen represents a major part of the organization's cash assets. Its loss was discovered after Network operatives found a neat hole punched in a window in the rear of their studios. Other evidences of a minor disruption in the Network's affairs include a room which was forcibly entered, and a missing cash box.
Officials of the station theorize, that the robbery was accomplished during the vacation. They also conclude that the job was a professional one.
A network member, speaking unofficially, opined that the theft could conceivably have been pulled by some one on the inside. WHRV officials rushed to deny this, pointing out that anyone familiar with the studio would have known that nothing valuable was kept in the room which the thief broke into.
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