
Bolles Tries Out Curwen at Stroke; Ruggers Beaten by Yale, Princeton

Trail 13-0, 14-8 at Bermuda

HAMILTON, Bermuda, April 4--Harvard lost to the Bermuda Athletic Association this afternoon 11 to 0, while Princeton boat Yale 6 to 4 for the college championship. The matches closed out Bermuda's annual Rugby Week.

HAMILTON, Bermuda, April 2--An injury-ridden Harvard Harvard rugby team lost this afternoon, 13 to 0, to a strong Yale squad after being defeated by Princeton, 14 to 8, in a rough and tumble session the previous afternoon. Both losses came as a great disappointment to the Crimson players, for although they had suffered an opening setback against a Bermuda Athletic Association unit by 9 to 3, that game indicated Harvard had the makings of an excellent team.

Mauran, Eaton Injured

Outweighed in the scrum by both Yale and Princeton, the Crimson fifteen operated under the further disadvantage of losing two of its best players from injuries occurring in the first half of the Tiger contest. Joe Eaton, who had starred against Bermuda, was kicked in the stomach in the opening minutes of play, and Hunt Mauran had to leave the field with a broken jaw during the first half.

Crimson Coach Plays


Because of these injuries, the Princetonians by-stepped rugby formalities by allowing Coach Jim Nuland to come in as a replacement for Mauran in the second half. Paul Lazzaro accounted for the single Harvard try--worth three points--in a spectacular, twisting and elusive race from the midfield stripe. Mauran made the conversion to raise the Crimson's score to five points. The final three points, which for a time tied the score at eight-all, were accomplished in the first minute of the second half on a penalty goal kicked by Nuland.
