
Golf Squad Trips B.U. by 6-3 Count

Crimson golfers brought their season's won-loss average up to 500 yesterday by beating Boston University 6 to 3 at the wind-swept Dedham course.

It was the team's second win over B.U., the last one being a 7 1/2 to 1 1/2 decision that Captain Sam Savidge's men took handily on April 16. The match also marked the squad's third straight victory in the north, a streak that followed closely on the three-game string of losses that southern teams inflicted during the spring recess.

Medalist honors for the day went to Ozzie Keiver, who shot a 71. Sam Seagar was close on his heels with a 74, but due to high winds, few of the other scores came close to Keiver's. Bill Rickenbacker, however, was defeated by Wormsted of B.U.
