
Lacrosse Teams Play New Hampshire Today

The Varsity lacrosse team will beard New Hampshire's Wildcats in their lair this afternoon and will try to return from Durham, N. H., with a second victory under its belt. At the same time, George Hanford's '51 squad plays the New Hampshire Yearlings, and Eddie Davis' Jayvees open their season by playing host to New England College on the Business School Field.

New Hampshire is the chief exponent in these parts of the "if you can't trick him, club him" style of game, and today's match promises to be the roughest the Varsity will have to face all season.

Crimson Favored In First League Game

Despite violent New Hampshire checking and stick swinging, last year's Crimson pounded out a 10-2 win. The Wildcats have not improved spectacularly since 1947, and the Varsity will take the field favored to win their first league match.

Unfortunately, Coach Maddux' squad will not be at full strength. Ace midfielder Dave Abbot will not make the trip, nor will second-stringer Will Davis. "Algy" Allen is slated to move up to first mid-field in place of Abbot, and Bill Kegg will handle Davis' former chores.


The attack personnel will remain the same as last week, with high scorer Dick Bezanson, and Charley Gregg on the crease, and Captain Hans Estin as playmaker.
