
Banquets, Conant Speech Will Mark Alumni Meeting

Philadelphia will take on a crimson hue the week-end of May 14-16, when alumni from all over the nation converge on the Quaker City for the 1948 meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs.

With an eye toward making the city conscious of the group luncheous, banquets, business meetings, and symposium, the Promotion Committee is now arranging for extensive Harvard exhibits and decorations in department store windows and hotel lobbies.

Television Coverage

Besides the exhibits, plans are under way for possible television coverage of the meeting "in order to give Philadelphia a definite Harvard atmosphere over the weekend," Publicity Chairman Tobias Wagner '26 said.

Main event of the conclave will be the symposium, "The Scholar's Contribution in a Free Society," at which President Conant will preside over a discussion headlined by several nationally-known speakers.


Not everything will be business, the Committee disclosed. Part of the weekend will be saved for the Harvard-Penn baseball game, "informal games," and trips to local country clubs.

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