
Once-Banned 'Liberal' Organ Hits New Hampshire Stands

Banned by the New Hampshire University faculty last January, on "artistic grounds" the College Liberal Club's "Progressive" hit the Durham newsstands last week as an independent unofficial publication of Liberal Club members.

A few days prior to last fall's publication date, the university's Board of Trustees asked for proofs of the forthcoming magazine and subsequently forbade the issue as a Liberal Club organ.

Liberal Club executives charged at the time that the university was consoring their political ideas. The majority of the club supports the candidacy of Henry A. Wallace.

Last week's publication was "a protest against the refusal of the Board of Trustees to allow the Liberal Club to have its own magazine," the editors said. "If progressive students, in defense of their rights, must resort to a strategem," a preface to the magazine states, "let those who occasioned it suffer the odium. . ."

Three hundred and forty copies of the mimeographed magazine went on sale at ten cents.
