
Golfers Tee Off Against Eagles

If clear skies prevail this afternoon out at Dedham, the Crimson golf team will once again tee off against Boston College in a desperate attempt to play a long-postponed 18 holes.

This season's first contest against the Eagles was called at the end of nine holes when wind and darkness reduced visibility to almost nothing. An attempt to finish the match last week was also postponed because of heavy rains. Captain Sam Savidge last night revealed that the team would probably forget the whole thing, and be content with the results of today's game.

Bill Kinchella of the Eagles is last year's New England Intercollegiate champion, and presents the strongest threat to the team's hopes for victory. But Bill Rickenbacker, number one man on the Crimson squad, was only one stroke behind him in the nine holes played in the uncompleted match, and may well upset him this afternoon.
