
Young Democrats Set Up Platform, For 1948 Election

Though still unsatisfied by present presidential timber, the Harvard Democratic Club has thrown its support behind a domestic affairs platform for the 1948 election.

Among the newer of the University's political groups, the club has elected William P. Oppenhoim '49, Harry P. Haveles '48, and Malcolm E. Jowell '49 as president, vice-president, and secretary, respectively. The Democrats are still seeking a faculty adviser, as required for undergraduate political organizations.

The club will back liberal Democrats for local, state, and national office, and will work for an all-inclusive federal civil rights law. Other planks in the platform are the maintenance of rent controls for the duration of the housing shortage, a 70 cent hourly minimum wage, and extension of Social Security benefits.

The club also favors anti-inflation legis lation, development of projects similar to TVA, and vigorous enforcement of now-existing national anti-trust laws.
