
Two Alligators Publicize Jubilee in Union Escapade

The Jubilee campaign shifted into high gear last week when Publicity Director A. Werner Pleus '51 introduced two alligators, male and female, into the Union to help sell Yardlings on the idea of going to the Jubilee May 1.

The gators, as yet unnamed, were safely penned in a wire cage and Pious swore that they could not escape. A Yard cop who arrived early one evening to investigate possible danger to Union eaters, left reassured.

One of the alligators was imported for the occasion from Dana Hall, the other belongs to a College student. Neither animal measures more than 13 inches in length, counting the tall which Pleus calls a particularly dangerous weapon, "if they get out."

They are extremely vicious, he reports, and have to be handled carefully. The pen which they inhabit is carefully padded, and water in their pool is changed regularly. "They have to be submerged most of the time," says Pleus.

Meanwhile the Jubilee Committee drew big crowds with a multicolored poster hanging above the alligator nest, announcing: "Everybody's coming . . . even this pair."


But in addition to scattering alligators all around the Freshman dining hall, the Jubilee Committee forged ahead in its more serious plans and arrangements for the April 30-May 1 Jubilee weekend.

Two dances are already scheduled for the affair. One will be the big formal ball on Saturday night at which two, count them, two bands will supply the music. On Friday, there will be an informal dance in Mem Hall.
