
Deacons Spoof HYD . . .

Kirkland House residents had a new ditty to sing for their supper tonight, when the following anonymous lyric to "When I Was a Lad" from H.M.S. Pinafere appeared on the Deacon's dining hall bulletin board.


"When I was a lad I served a term

As 'yes' man in the Comintern

I always voted at the Party's call


And never thought of thinking for myself at all

I thought so little they rewarded me

So now I am a member of the HYD.

At class hats I acquired such a grip

I was prompted into the partnership

The truth so little bothered me

Since I was taught from across the sea

And promises I made so free

That now I am a member of the HYD.


Now peasants all, wherever you may be

If you want the moon and stars for free

Hold your noses and vote with me

And you'll get Soviet Democracy

With slav'ry by day and murder by night

All compliments of the HYD."
