To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I wish to take exception to the letter forwarded by Mr. Matthiessen and printed in Tuesday's CRIMSON, which, he claims, expresses typical Czechoslovak student opinion on the February Revolution. I cannot accept this letter as representative. First, Czechoslovakia is today a police state as witnessed by the repression of the very student opposition referred to in that letter of Mr. Zdenek--even if the student wounded was wounded by a stray bullet. With all communication controlled it is obvious both to us and the sender of this letter that he would send nothing that might endanger his health. Perhaps to curry favor Mr. Zdenek would send this letter endorsing the Regime. Certainly a convert is well received. That Zdenek places opponents of communism in "the mercenary ranks of capitalism" sounds very much like typical Party Line. By condoning the forced retirement of Charles University professors, "none of really high standard," he refutes any illusion we could have had about his belief in democratic principles, freedom of speech, or the freedom to teach what one believes. To conclude my objections I quote from the close of Mr. Zdenek's letter where he describes Czechoslovakia as "limiting freedom and democracy for some only to give it back, revived and strengthened, to all." Is that Karl Marx in the background? F. L. Hetter II '50.
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