
'Cliffe Vote Makes 'News' Subscriptions Compulsory

Absolute Majority Requirement Apparently Dropped

Subscriptions to the Radcliffe News will be compulsory for every 'Cliffe undergraduate starting next fall, final results of the two-weeks-old voting at the Annex showed yesterday.

Joan Projansky '49, president of the 'Cliffe Student Government Association, announced last night the final tallies of the balloting which included a smothering negative vote on the Student Activities Fee and a sweeping count in favor of appointing the N.S.A. delegate to the new post of Second Vice-President of Student Government.

(The Student Government in its announcement made no comment on the face that the winning side on the News proposal failed to win an affirmative majority of the entire student body. This majority of the total enrollment had been announced before the ballot as necessary for passage of any one of the three propositions.

Sixty-one percent of the student body voted in the election. Fifty-six percent of these tallies were cast in favor of the compulsory News subscriptions, or 34 percent of the total student body.)

The last two tallies surprised no follower of earlier counts. The Activities Fee, which would have offered undergraduate cut-rate but compulsory membership in two clubs, tickets for the idler Players, and subscriptions to the News, the college magazine and the yearbook, went down with 345 negative votes to 177 affirmatives.


Compulsory long-range patronage of the News--most hotly debated issue on the ballot--squeezed through with a 318 to 245 winning vote after 17 days of balloting at the Agassiz House polls.

The polling pendulum swung to the other side in the N.S.A. vote, with a 454 to 70 majority in favor of the newly treated office.
