
'Everyone Tries to Get into the Act'

Drama Season Opens

Cambridge has been stage-struck.

The theater bug has aroused five groups to production activities, with plays written by men from Sophocles to Sartre.

After six hours of tryouts for both University and Radcliffe actors, the casting committee of Radcliffe's Idler Players yesterday announced the casts of the two one-actors which will comprise their spring production schedule.

Idlers Offer Twin Bill

John A. Manuick '49, Nora Millard, Radcliffe '48, and Patricia Troxell, Radcliffe '49 will play the three characters in Christopher Fry's "The Phoenix Too Frequent." William Whitehead '60, Grace Tuttle Radcliffe '49, Virginia Carroll, Radcliffe '51, and Joan Rice, Radcliffe '51 have been assigned the roles in Tennessee Williams "Lord Byron's Love Letters."


Mrs. Mark A. DeWolfe Howe, Idler's regular coach, will direct the Fry opus, which, successful in London, is having its American premier on the Agassiz Theater stage.

Linguists Give Comedies

Circole Haliano and the French Club are prosecuting a twin bill at Agassiz on Friday and Saturday, March 12 and 13. "La Giava," or "The Jar" is being presented by the Italian society. It concerns a hunchback, who, in repairing a landlord's jar gets caught inside the jar. Jean-Pierre Barrleclli '51 will direct.

The French Club's half of the program will be a melange of several plays, which the club has affectionately dubbed "LTmpromptu de Cambridge." Unable to choose between three plays, the club's officials decided to combine all three into one concoction with some original material added. Georges Berthoin is directing this production.

English A Sponsors "Jean"

On Monday, March 15, the English A department, with the cooperation of the Harvard Theater Workshop, is sponsoring a reading of Shaw's "St Jean at Sanders at 2 o'clock. The part of Jean will be taken by Miss Winfred Leniban, who performed in that role at the New York premiere of the play. Members of the H.T.W. will assume the same roles they took in last year's Workshop presentation of "St. Jean."

The reading was arranged by Mr. Herbert J. Kramer of the English A department, for the benefit of some sections of the course which are studying "St. Jean."

Sartre Tragedy Billed

The Elizabeth Peabody Settlement House is preparing Jean-Paul Sartre's "Lea Mooches" for performances in Boston on March 15, 16, and 17. This play, first performed in occupied France, is a yelled attack against Tyranny act in a framework of the ancient Greek city state.

Mrs. Donna Balabird, "Joan" in last year's H.T.W. production of Shaw's "St Joan," will assume the leading note in "Les Mooches."
