Antagonism directed against the current anti-vivisection campaign continued to mount-in Medical School circles yesterday, as Doctors Eliot P. Joslin '94, Franc D. Ingraham '21, and Robert E. Gross '31 pointed out that promising experiments on heart diseases, ulcers, and cancer would be halted if the Nolan-Miles Bill were not passed.
The bill, which asks that five percent of all dogs ordinarily killed in the pounds be turned over to medical schools, is an intrinsic part of present day medical research, the doctors declared.
The group explained that Boston's position as one of the world's foremost medical centers would be endangered if the Anti-Vivisectionists had their way, since Harvard, Tufts, and Boston University might have to close their laboratories.
"Must Enlighten Public"
Only through research on dogs were the iron lung, the Strader splint, and insulin developed, continued the doctors. "Our main task now is to enlighten the public on the necessity for our painless animal operations," they stated.
New Jersey, which already has an active anti-vivisection law, boasts no medical schools.
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