
Teams Reach Winter Climax; Crimson Quintet Meets Elis

Saturday is the big day for Crimson winter athletics in Cambridge.

While the Varsity quintet makes or breaks its season against the Eli in the Boston Gardon after the Crimson-Blue jayvee opener, Penn swimmers will be testing the Crimson's undefeated pool record in the Blockhouse.

Simultaneously, the track team will take to the cinders in a Hoptagonal track meet with Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Columbia, Cornell, Army, Navy, and Pennsylvania. Field events will be run off in Briggs Cage; races in the Boston Garden.

Saturday afternoon, Crimson wrestlers will tangle with the Elis on the Blockhouse mats, after the freshman curtain raiser at 2 o'clock. Columbia fencing will be run off concurrently across the Hall.

Meanwhile, the sextet meets the Blue in New Haven.
