
Track Team Stays Home, Will Work During Vacation

For a while it looked as if the Varsity track team would join the southern migration next week, but the proposed tour fizzled and so most of Coach Mikkola's 100 candidates will spend their Easter vacation in twice-daily workouts on the Stadium cinders.

Since they emerged from Briggs Cage a week or so ago, squad members have been pretty well split up. Milers and two-milers have been going along the river bank, "nice, easy speed up to Police Station and back" (a distance of 31/ miles), the pole-vaulters have used the runway under the Stadium grandstand, and most of the field men have warmed up out behind the baseball grandstand.

Meanwhile, groundskeepers have been raking and rolling the quarter-mile Stadium strip, which will be dry and ready for occupancy Monday. Coach Mikkola says outdoor practice is running behind schedule but admits the team has "some bright spots." Varsity Schedule April 10  Boston College April 17  Rhode Island State April 24  Holy Cross, Boston University May 1  Dartmouth May 8  Yale May 15  Nonagonal Games at West Point May 28-29  IC4A Games at New York

Freshmen Schedule April 17  Boston University at Riverside April 24  Exeter at Exeter May 1  Andover at Andover May 8  Yale
