
Strong Net Squad Heads for South

After last year's fiasco, anything the tennis team does this year will be a pleasant surprise. And they may do plenty.

Although the squad has had only two days of outdoor practice, and those on tar courts, four of the first six players, veterans of the '47 team, are returning, and Coach Barnaby sees a come-back season ahead.

A swing through the South during the next week will be Barnaby's testing ground. Monday the Crimson will disembark in Charlottesville, North Carolina, to meet Davidson College, and the next day will take on North Carolina State. A jog north to Annapolis and from there to West Point will complete the vacation circuit.

Those going on the southern tour are: Backe, Brandt, Wightman, Pratt, Ager, Bullard, Frey, and Swartzman.

The managerial competition will open immediately after vacation.


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