
Radcliffe Elects Projansky; Activities Fee Ballot Today

Induction of Officers At Meeting Today

Joan Projansky '49, of Rochester, New York and Barnard Hall, has been elected president of the Radcliffe Student Government for the coming year.

The all-College vote, which was completed last Friday, also returned Joan McPartlin '49, of Cambridge, as vice-president of the organization, Alice Stetson Clark '50, of Darien, Connecticut and 6 Acacia Street, as secretary, and Joan Braverman '50, of Lowell and Briggs Hall as treasurer.

Alice Brandeis Gilbert '49, of New York City and Eliot Hall, won the position of first NSA delegate, while Mary Hall '50, of Ashfield and Briggs Hall was elected as alternate. Margaret Mayer '51, of Glencoe, Illinois, and Briggs Hall, gained the post of Sophomore representative on the Student Government.

Inaugurations Today

The new officers will be installed this afternoon at the spring mass meeting of students in Agassiz Theater, and will serve for a year. At that time there will be a short ceremony, including an informal acceptance speech by Miss Projansky. Each of the new Student Government representatives will be presented with a corsage by the corresponding member of the outgoing group.


Miss Projansky has served for the past year as president of the Radcliffe Athletic Association, and was also head of the 'Cliffe Dance group and a member of the field hockey team. In addition, she has been Work Chairman at Briggs Hall.
