
Kirkland Defeats Eliot to Capture Volleyball Crown

Inter-House volleyball showed down to a weak bounce yesterday, and suffered a quiet death as Kirkland House emerged victorious in the league.

Sporting a record of six wins to one loss, the Deacons had to overcome the threats of a strong Eliot House squad that pressed them all the way. Yesterday's match was the deciding one. With both teams tied at one game apiece going into the third and final game of the set, Kirkland squeaked out with a 15 to 12 win.

This victory bolsters Kirkland's hopes to capture the Straus Trophy, but by placing second, Eliot House, leader in that division so far, maintains a secure top position.

In other contests yesterday, Adams shut out Winthrop in two games, and Leverett beat Dunster by a 2 to 1 count.
