
'51 Smoke Rings Rise Today; Committee Promises No Riot

Smoker Offers Capp, Borge, Butts, Beer

Returning after an extended wartime absence of seven years, the Freshman Smoker will hit Memorial Hall tonight at 8 o'clock, loaded with a cast of 40 entertainers and free smokes, beer, soft drinks, and ice cream to greet fun-seeking Yardlings.

In a last minute program addition, singer Kitty Kallen will appear at the blow-out, although she will not sing, the eight-man Smoker Committee announced last night. At the same time Mile. Charpentier, termed "France's top songbird," notified the committeemen that sudden Philadelphia engagements will keep her from the show.

Victor Borge to Appear

Others lined up for tonight's bill include comedian-pianist Victor Borge; Al Capp, creator of "Fearless Fosdick"; Coach Art Valpey in his first public appearance; and WEEI disc-jockey Sherman Feller, who will be master of ceremonies.

As it completed the final plans, the Committee received warning last night from Richard W. Kimball '50, the Student Council's Chairman for Freshman Affairs, that he will attend the affair, and that if any riotous spirit exists, his committee will recommend to the Council the complete discontinuance of the traditional smoker.


Admission is by program only, and tardy Freshmen can pick them up at noon and evening meals at the Union and at the door.
