
Kiphuth Backs Investigation Of Refereeing in Ivy Hockey

Robert Kiphuth, director of Yale athletics, last night predicted a general investigation of Ivy League hockey officiating as a result of the near-riot that terminated Wednesday's Harvard-Yale game in New Haven.

"An unfortunate incident developed," Kiphuth said, "owing largely to the fact that the game got out of the hands of its officials."

The Yale athletic director said that he and William J. Bingham '16 would probably confer with Asa Bushnell, Commissioner of the EIL, in an effort to work out some plan that would prevent future flare-ups. A rotation system, Kiphuth said, might counteract the difficulties imposed by varying rules interpretations in different areas.

Must Prevent 'Incidents'

He emphasized a need for a uniformity of officiating. "Hockey is too good a game," Kiphuth said, "to allow such incidents to destroy the fine relationship enjoyed between Harvard and Yale."


Earlier in the day Bingham had endorsed the action of Coach Chase in removing his Crimson team from the ice. Dave Abbot, a Varsity wingman, had received a bad head wound from the stick of Eli captain Artie Moher. Chase fearing a riot had refused to allow his team back on the rink.
