
Council Passes Charter Of Crimson Key Society

New Group Will Meet All Visiting Firemen

College hospitality crews will soon greet all incoming teams and entering Freshmen as a result of Student Council passage of the Crimson Key Society Constitution on Monday, Council President William D. Weeks '49 announced last night.

Result of five weeks of preparation by a special four-man committee, the Society represents the first formal College attempt to ease orientation of Freshmen and to make visiting gridmen, sprinters, and debaters feel at home on opposition territory.

Members of the drafting committee were William P. Hall '45 2B, Patrick D. Dailey '50, Vincent W. Jones, Jr. '45, and Edward L. Maguire, Jr. '46. Their constitution received unanimous Council approval after one week of revision and discussion, and now needs only a nod from the Dean's office to put it into operation.

Representative Body

The new charter sets up a 37-man policy-making Executive Group, with representatives from the following organizations:


House Committees, Council, Union Committee, CRIMSON, WHRV, Band, Glee Club, Debate Council, Phillips Brooks House, College Social Affairs Committee, ten College teams, and four other interested groups. In addition, five "senior Associates" and the head cheerleader will serve on the group.

A nine-man cabinet will carry on day-to-day direction of the Society, with the details being handled by the Associate Group, consisting of 15 members. Students aspiring to positions on this group may become candidates as second-term freshmen or sophomores.
