
Anti-UMTers Denied Use Of University Clubs' Lists

Mailing lists of the Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Clubs of New York have been withheld from the National Council Against Conscription, John M. Swomley, Jr., director of the Council, revealed yesterday.

Swomley branded the action "dangerous, un-democratic, and un-American," since all three clubs recently made their lists available to the National Security Committee, an organization backing Universal Military Training. He charged that the clubs' officers were, in effect, lobbying for one side of the conscription issue, without the knowledge or consent of club members.

George Whitney '07, president of the New York Harvard Club, said, after a discussion with the house committee, that, in the future, the Club's mailing list would not be made available to either side in such a controversy as U.M.T. He admitted, however, that the list had been made available to the National Security Committee, owing to a practice dating back to the first World War.

Error Made List Available

Officials of the Yale Club, in denying Swomley's request, explained that their mailing lists had been released to the National Security Committee through "error."


The Princeton Club's president told Swomley that "only because President Dodds of Princeton was a member of a committee advocating UMT., we allowed an organization sponsoring that proposal to use our mailing list."
