
Local VAM Groups Convene at BU

Wires Flood College Chapter

Claiming that "ex-GI's all over the country are rising from their peacetime foxholes to oppose the candidacy of General Douglas MacArthur for President," Boston University, MIT, and Harvard chairmen of Veterans Against MacArthur conducted their first joint conclave yesterday afternoon before a packed house at BU. An official VAM group was organized Wednesday at the University of Chicago.

As San Francisco, Los Angoles, and Berkoley, California, VAM clubs wired their support here, John S. Kornfeld '49, University chairman, released his unit's platform, following an informal organizational meeting last night at Eliot House.

Kornfeld first directed a special attack against yesterday's prohibition from Armed Forces Radio broadcasts of any reference to the adverse turn in MacArthur's campaign, but he said that the general VAM offensive will emphasize his "undemocratic methods in Japan after the war, his failure to use or understand humanitarian principles during the war, and his use of violence in the peacetime year 1932 to halt the veteran's march on Washington."

John W. Carr, B.U. chairman, asserted that "MacArthur's actions may have been of merit in wartime, but they would lead to dictatorship in peacetime."

House chairmen, appointed yesterday by Kornfeld, will circulate petitions over the weekend "to blast the lie that 'Dashing Doug is the Veterans' Darling."
