
College Veterans Form VAM Body, Join B.U., M.I.T.

Veterans Against MacArthur picked up the ball again in the University yesterday with the organization of a permanent Harvard VAM chapter, after a false start Wednesday. The unit here was the third to be formed in the Boston area.

John Kornfeld '48, who assumed chairmanship of the local group yesterday, issued a call last night for all veterans who support VAM aims to meet in Eliot D-42 tonight at 8 o'clock to plan forth-coming action.

High on tonight's agenda will be plans for the circulation of petitions throughout the University opposing MacArthur's nomination. Membership in the VAM will be restricted to veterans, but Kornfeld said any student will be free to sign the group's petitions.

Leaders of the snowballing anti-MacArthur movement at Boston University and M.I.T. will meet with Kornfeld this afternoon to coordinate VAM activity in the greater Boston region.
