
Track Team Hits Cinders in Debut With Army, Tiger

A little thinner than last year's giant, but still quite virile, the Varsity track team will get its first formal test of the season at West Point this afternoon in a triangular meet with Army and Princeton.

Twenty-one athletes, two managers, a coach and a trainer formed the Crimson entourage which left South Station yesterday afternoon. That group joined forces with the wrestling and squash squads at Stamford, Connecticut, where the combined units boarded buses for the Point.

Army, though not so untouchable as it was during the war years, has enough material to give it the edge in today's meet. The Crimson should outscore Princeton with little difficulty, since the Tigers showed very badly in last year's Nonagonals and IC4A championships.

Paul Cowie, the Tiger football speedboy, is even faster on the cinders. But outside of sprinters and hurdlers, Princeton lacks real depth.

Probable varsity point-getters: dash-J. Spivak; 1000-F. Gurley; mile-J. Cogan; 16-pound shot-D. Trimble; 35-pound weight-S. Felton, T. Cameron, R. Forsyth; high-jump-G. Harrigan; pole vault-W. Lawrence, A. Lockett.
