
Answers to Free Enterprise Society

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

We of the H.L.U. had hoped that after the furor of Hart's appearance and the CRIMSON's rebuke, the officers of the Free Enterprise Society would either declare openly their adherence to Hart's doctrines, or admit frankly that they had been deceived as to the character of the man they were sponsoring.

The Free Enterprise Society, however, has chosen neither of these courses; instead its officers have attempted to cover up their own responsibility by a smoke-screen of invective. For such a position we can have little respect.

The principal contention of the Society's officers is that only Hart's economic views are germane, and that his anti-semitic and anti-democratic sentiments are irrelevant. Yet the announced topic of his speech was the economic aspects of the Marshall Plan, and it was made crystal clear by his answer to the first question asked him that his entire attitude toward the Marshall Plan is based on his theory that an "international Jewish organization" controls our foreign policy. How can the Free Enterprise Society maintain that his economic views can be separated from the general friendliness to fascism that is so obviously intertwined with them in his mind? How can its officers ignore the sinster similarity between Hart's views, both economic and political, and those which brought Hitler to power in Germany? How can they fail to realize that, by bringing him here despite their knowledge of his record, they were adding to his prestige and thus aiding him in his undercover warfare against the principles of democracy.

It is time for the officers of the Society to state publicly what so many of its members have been willing to admit privately: that they were hoaxed; that they invited Hart without investigation, without acquainting themselves with the viciousness of his doctrines; that they have made a mistake very damaging to their Society and the cause they represent. They can no longer cover up with loud accusations of "bad taste" their own exceedingly bad judgment. Frederic D. Houghteling '50   President of H.L.U.
