
Zimmerman Assails Kinsey Report

'Disrupte Family System'

Carle C. Zimmerman, associate professor of Sociology, yesterday branded the new-famous Kinsey report on "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" as one more step towards "the disruption of the American family system."

Pointing out that the book was written primarily for medical men, although it has attained best-seller status, Zimmerman declared that "its pseudo-sociology backed by unrelated statistics will hasten and implement the coming crisis in family behavior. Whether we should welcome this quick arrival or wish for delay is something only time can answer."

He went on to label Kinsey's statements about "right and wrong," "normal and abnormal," and the origin of the family system as entirely misconceived and misleading.

The impact of the report on the public will be tremendous, Zimmerman pointed out, since people everywhere are gobbling up copies of the 8-4-page work that presents actual statistics but which he claims "obviously erroneous conclusions."

Opinions supplementing the statistics of 12,000 actual case histories of secret sex behavior have been made to appear not as thoughts injected by the authors and their supporters, but as undeniable truths derived from the figures of the survey, Zimmerman explained. "These opinions will give huge prestige to the idea that it is useless and needless to repress sex."


"It is queer logic to term anything right and normal just because it happens, but that is what Kinsey and his coworkers have done," Zimmerman stated. According to the report, "even the acts of the sexual athlete and the esoteric are to be considered normal."

Zimmerman went on to attack Kinsey's idea that the "mystics, theologians, and jurists" who built up the family system had little understanding of the problems of sex, and set up norms which have created unhappiness.

As his argument against this contention, Zimmerman singled out seven men, from Augustus to Milton, who he believes have been the most influential in setting up the family system. "Every one of these men was equipped with as broad experience in sex as almost any one today."

Also termed erroneous was Kinsey's statement that repression of sex has not influenced trends in sex behavior. "Even Kinsey's own statistics show that since 1918, sex behavior has taken a sharp rise in accordance with a decline in repression." Elmmerman asserted.
