
Rush for Books Will Start Today as Veterans Get Authorization Forms

Thumb-twiddling in local bookstores will come to a quick and today when Memorial Hall opens its doors to authorization-seeking veterans at 9 o'clock. The Mem Hall office will be open daily until February 18.

All men must buy their required books before March 6 and must return their white authorization slips to Weld Hall before the end of 30 days.

"Veterans will not be reimbursed for books which are just nice to have, desirable, or necessary for a future profession or job," a recently-published statement of rules for G.I. book purchases announces.

Released by John U. Counsellor for Veterans the statement declares that no government purchases will be allowed for auditors attending courses other than those in which they are officially enrolled.

Monro's regulations reveal that vets now exceeding the established purchase limit of $50 will be billed personally for additional expenditures.


A change introduced in the new statement allows students to buy second-hand books from other students. All men must however, all out a special form available at Weld Ball for this transaction.

Courses often require additional books during reading period. These books can be obtained through government purchase by getting the professor in a change of the course to authorize them in writing.
