To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I just read your article on Sargent College which appeared in the January 16, 1948 issue of the CRIMSON. I was, to say the least, very insulted by your invidious article; not for myself (considering the source) but for my school which you so unjustly vitiated in your effort to show what a courageous, clever, sophisticated, mendacious reporter you were. It contained much unwarranted sareasm (with which only a jilted Harvard man can defend himself). It lacked good taste and was an unfair picture of a fine school. I would not condemn a man for writing an unfavorable criticism against my school if he had a sound basis for it, but I'm sure you do not realize what a sad mistake you have made.
Our school is one of the best physical education schools in the country. It rates first in the profession and has turned out some of the leading people in our field. (But of course Harvard CRIMSON men know very little of physical education and the work being done in that profession. They are just interested in their own more acsthetic super-deluxe intellectual courses.) I only hope some of the Harvard men who have enjoyed the company of Sargent women have the initiative to denounce your very ignorant article. Our school, sir is one that has grown better every year and is considered "the Harvard" of physical education; but God forbid that its students are as merciless as those of "that" renowned institution. At present, Sargent students are healthy, happy, unaffected, attractive, intelligent young women interested in the youth of America. Perhaps one day if you are fortunate to have children one will guide your offspring in the sincere and honest meaning of life which I'm quite certain you will fail to recognize in your pseudo conception of the roal thing. A Sargent Senior
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