
Wallace Club Declares ERP Is 'Distorted'

Viewing the European Recovery Program as "an extension of the Truman doctrine" the Harvard Committee for Wallace last night criticized the Committee to Save the Marshall Plan stand as "ineffectual."

"If the amendments to put the Marshall Plan through the U.N. with no political strings attached" are defeated, the Wallace group stated, liberals should not support E.R.P.

The Wallace committee said that the Committee to Save the Marshall Plan would be guilty of "wishful drifting" if it supported E.R.P. without the "basic changes."

Marshall Plan Committee officials, however, pointed out that their statement of aims included "implementation of the plan through the U.N. wherever possible" and that they want an aid program "without strings."

Meet Today


Members of the Marshall Plan Committee will "stick by their program" but withheld, pending a meeting today, official comment on their position should E.R.P. by-pass the U.N.

The Wallace committee claimed that the original aims of the Marshall plan have been "distorted" to be used as a political weapon.

The Save E.R.P. rally next week is aimed primarily at "influencing the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee" to embody the original ideas, supported by both local groups, in the bill under consideration.
