Radcliffe amateurs will present a world premiere at the Annex today and drama professionals will start working on a recent Broadway failure here for the Dramatic Club.
Three veteran actors and directors joined HDC ranks last night to help resuscitate the Club's spring production, Irwin Shaw's "The Survivors." The play collapsed after an eight-day run in New York despite loud acclaim from critics Wolcott Gibb an Brooks Atkinson.
Roy Erickson and Bert Kelsey, professional dramatists for the Federal Theater, accepted co-directorship of the play last night. Shaw himself has promised to rewrite the work. Lee Strasberg, director of the recent "Skipper Next to God," will give additional professional aid as production supervisor. 'Cliffe Gives "Masque of Mercy"
Though no flashbulbs will explode for the event, an all-freshman cast will signal the world debut of Robert Frost's newest play. "The Masque of Mercy," in Agassiz House Theatre at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. The show is open to the public.
Every nail in the surrealistic set has been driven home by 'Cliffe freshmen, and the actresses are all from the Class of 1951: Joan Rice, Henrietta Broyles, Martha Webb, and Gail Whitehead.
In the with tradition, the Radcliffe freshmen will set up a battery of samovars and sandwiches in Agassiz after the final curtain.
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